Gatineau Park

Trails Skied: Fortune Pkwy, Champlain Pkwy, Glide Wax: Don't know-- rock skiis, Grip Wax:

Skating OK. Groomers had been out and all but the first 1km up the hill from p10 or so was in decent shape considering. You can't really kick off at all so it's all about being light on the feet/ weight transfer.

They had groomed ridge-- we tried a bit but too many rocks poking through. You could probably classic on it.

Gatineau park map

Gatineau Park is ski paradise! The network of ski trails offer machine groomed skate skiing and classic skiing as well as little groomed backcountry trails. Multiple access points allow skiers to access a variety of terrain and scenery. The NCC offers season or daily pay rates.

Gatineau park map

For suggestions on where to ski, excellent trail descriptions, photos and maps checkout Michael McGoldrick`s website about recreational xc-skiing in Canada`s National Capital Region (with an emphasis on the Gatineau Park).

Gatineau park map